​Lynne Goldschmidt
Counselling Psychologist
HPCSA PS 0137936 PR 0724246
The only promise life offers is change...
Change may at times be challenging... at times exciting... at times devastating...
Psychotherapy may assist in adjusting to unexpected life challenges.
Psychotherapy may not be easily described, and people are likely to have different expectations of the process and of their therapist.
There are various types of therapy to facilitate individual and relational well-being. The psychotherapeutic process is unique to each individual and relationship. As such, a timeline cannot be allocated to it from the onset. The process also requires the commitment of those involved. Given the nature of psychotherapy, sessions may at times awaken deep emotional responses, such as sadness, anger, and frustration. In the long term, therapy however has the potential to bring about improved well-being, functioning, and personal growth.
About Therapy
Therapy is about working together in partnership. As such, the process involves recognising the goals you may envision from the therapeutic process. I apply an integrative approach, founded on a psychodynamic orientation.
I am passionate about individual and relational well-being. I am acutely aware of how the assurance of safety and security within relationships translates into how we feel about ourselves and in relation to others. Relational well-being and the assurance of trust and security within relationships contribute to our sense of individual well-being. Beyond individual and relational well-being, I am mindful of the difficulties presented by the day-to-day of life, and how traumatic experiences can present a rupture to our relationships with ourselves and others. My work therefore also centers on making meaning of traumatic experiences and how these influence our way of being in the world.
I have a special interest in the intergenerational implications of trauma and am currently pursuing my Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology.
University of the Witwatersrand, MA in Counselling Psychology - with distinction
University of Leeds, MA in Social and Public Policy - with merit
HPCSA PS 0137936
PR 0724246
Certified Circle of Security Parenting Practitioner
Circle of Security International
Certified Newborn Behavioural Observations Practitioner
The Brazelton Institute and NBO Australia at The Women’s​
Trained Persona Doll Practitioner
The Ububele Education and Psychotherapy Trust​
Working-With-Groups (Level 1)
Ububele in association with the Institute of Group Analysis, London
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® - (BWRT) Level 1.
BWRT is a form of brief term therapy that can assist with trauma and phobias.
​BWRT Level 2 - Advanced Practitioner
Training completed
Currently undergoing accreditation​
Reaching out...
Please find my details below, should you wish to enquire about my services:
Lynne Goldschmidt